Saint Petersburg coat of arms
Saint Petersburg state websites navigator
  • About St. Petersburg
  • Investment Climate
  • Investment infrastructure
  • Investor’s Guide
  • Contacts
    Saint Petersburg is focused on the development of high-tech industries, tourism, science and culture, social construction and integrated development of territoriesSupport is provided in accordance with the regional investment standard, which establishes a set of rules for executive authorities to ensure a favorable investment climate through effective mechanisms, legislative regulation and the introduction of best practices.The main strategic resource of Saint Petersburg is a large number of highly educated and qualified specialists in all sectors of the economyINVESTOR'S PERSONAL ACCOUNT is a convenient tool that allows organizations (that are planning or already implementing investment projects in St. Petersburg) to interact with the Development Agency: receive consultations, submit appeals, get acquainted with information and analytical materials.If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.
    Priority investment areas

    Saint Petersburg is focused on the development of high-tech industries, tourism, science and culture, social construction and integrated development of territories

    899,6 BILLION RUB
    Investments in fixed assets for Jan-Sept 2024
    734,7 BILLION RUB
    The volume of investments in fixed assets of large and medium-sized enterprises for or Jan-Sept 2024
    Support measures

    Support is provided in accordance with the regional investment standard, which establishes a set of rules for executive authorities to ensure a favorable investment climate through effective mechanisms, legislative regulation and the introduction of best practices.

    Special economic zones, ha
    Industrial areas
    Strategic advantage

    The main strategic resource of Saint Petersburg is a large number of highly educated and qualified specialists in all sectors of the economy

    the number of people employed in the economy, thousand of people
    of employed in the economy with higher education
    Personal account

    INVESTOR'S PERSONAL ACCOUNT is a convenient tool that allows organizations (that are planning or already implementing investment projects in St. Petersburg) to interact with the Development Agency: receive consultations, submit appeals, get acquainted with information and analytical materials.

    access to data about your investment projects, free investment sites, and current news
    the ability to submit applications online
    Contact us

    If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.

    Investment message
    Alexander Beglov
    Environment, opportunities and personnel are three conditions which define the regional investment potential.

    Alexander Beglov

    Governor of Saint Petersburg

    Investment Map of Saint Petersburg
    Up-to-date information about the announced auctions
    Presentation with the detailed information on each project
    Investment projects
    Leonid Sergeev
General Director of the Northern Capital Gateway LLC
    A new international passenger terminal with an area of 145 thousand square meters, passenger and cargo platforms, a hotel and a business center on the forecourt, a complex of parking lots and other airport infrastructure facilities were built, and the building of "Pulkovo-1" air-terminal complex was reconstructed within the first stage of the project of comprehensive reconstruction of the Pulkovo airport. The second stage of the development of Pulkovo is aimed at the creation of new terminal fingers with passenger's boarding bridges, comfortable areas for passengers and special service areas for certain categories of passengers, as well as other facilities. The project foresees a promising growth of passenger traffic at Saint Petersburg airport to 35 million passengers by 2030.

    Leonid Sergeev General Director of the Northern Capital Gateway LLC

    Pulkovo Airport