The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation summed up the results of the rating of regions by the level of development of public-private partnership (PPP) for 2022. The position in the rating consisted of three factors: the dynamics of the implementation of PPP projects in 2022, the accumulated experience of implementing PPP projects until 2022, the state of the regulatory and institutional environment.
The Northern capital has extensive experience in implementing public-private partnership projects and ranks second in the Rating of accumulated experience in implementing PPP projects and tenth in the Rating of regions in terms of the level of development of public-private partnership for 2022.
According to the assessment of accumulated experience in the implementation of PPP projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation
In the rating of regions by the level of development of public-private partnership for 2022
As a result of the long-term partnership between the Government of Saint Petersburg and private business, such major infrastructure projects as:
- development of the territory of the «Pulkovo» airport;
- construction and operation of the Western High-speed Diameter (WSD);
- development, reconstruction and operation of the tram network in the Krasnogvardeysky district of Saint Petersburg;
- creation and operation of highways on the territory of a residential area «Slavyanka»;
- development and operation of buildings designed to accommodate educational institutions on the territory of blocks II, III, V and VI of the residential area «Slavyanka» of the Pushkin district on the basis of public-private partnership;
- development and operation of buildings designed to accommodate educational institutions in the Pushkin district of Saint Petersburg on the basis of public-private partnership.
Public-private partnership in St. Petersburg at various stages of implementation
Public-private partnership
Involvement of private business by state and (or) municipal government bodies to perform works on construction, reconstruction, modernization, technological maintenance and operation of public infrastructure facilities and provision of public services using such facilities on the terms of risk sharing, competencies and responsibilities determined by the contract and a set of regulatory legal acts.
Practice shows that projects implemented in the form of public-private partnership are characterized by the use of advanced technical and management solutions.
The PPP mechanism is a popular and rapidly developing form of interaction between private investors and the state, because it involves a complete risk sharing between them.
Advantages of the public-private partnership mechanism
- long-term interaction between the state and business;
- the private partner participates not only in the design, financing, construction and reconstruction of the facility, but also in its operation and/or maintenance;
- distribution of risks between private and public parties;
- promotion of competition;
- the possibility of obtaining a land plot without bidding (in cases provided byarticle 39. 6 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation No.136-FZ dated 25.10.2001);
- tax concessions for investors;
- improving the quality of provided services.
Advantages of the public-private partnership mechanism for business
- interaction with the public party within the framework of long-term agreements;
- the possibility of obtaining a land plot without bidding for the purposes of implementing a public-private partnership agreement and a concession agreement;
- the possibility of co-financing the project by a public party, obtaining additional guarantees (including minimum profitability);
- the ability to increase your project revenue by providing additional paid services and/or using various solutions that reduce costs at the stage of creation or operation;
- distribution of project risks between a private party and a public partner (concedent);
- in the case of a private initiative, the opportunity to independently work out the structure of the project and propose a draft agreement;
- shortened terms of the agreement.
Procedure for concluion of an agreement for the implementation of a ppp project
Regulatory legal acts in the field of public-private partnership:
- Federal Law No. 224-FZ dated 13.07.2015 «On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation»;
- Federal Law No.115-FZ dated 21.07.2005 on Concession Agreements;
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No.1112 dated 11.12.2015 «On Consideration of Proposals for the Conclusion of Concession Agreements»;
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 346 dated 31.03.2009 «On Measures for the Development of Public-private Partnerships in Saint Petersburg»;
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg dated No. 1241 06.11.2009 «On the Interdepartmental Commission for the Selection of Project Concepts for their Implementation by the Participation of Saint Petersburg in Public-Private Partnerships under the Government of Saint Petersburg»;
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 100 dated 16.12.2003 «On Approval of the Regulations of the Government of Saint Petersburg».