Industry support
Support for small and medium-sized businesses
Upport for innovative business

Received financial support measures for 10 months of 2021
Subsidies to industrial enterprises of saint petersburg
Purchase of technological equipment on lease
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 10 million RUB (50% of the total amount of documented costs)
Conducting an energy survey and purchasing energy-saving equipment as part of the implementation of energy saving and energy efficiency measures
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 4 million RUB (50% of the total costs for conducting an energy survey, but no more than 1 million RUB and/or 50% of the total costs for the purchase of energy-saving equipment as part of the implementation of measures or programs to save energy and improve energy efficiency, but not more than 3 million RUB)
Certification of management systems for compliance with national and international standards
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 400 thousand RUB (60% of the total amount of documented costs)
Training, retraining and advanced training of personnel
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 3 million RUB (80% of the total amount of documented costs) The maximum cost of training under the contract for one person, for whose training costs are reimbursed is 300,000 RUB. If there are cooperative ties between the subjects of activity in the industry of Saint Petersburg, the costs of training employees of organizations with which there are cooperative ties can be reimbursed. At the same time, the total amount of subsidies paid for the training of employees employed in other organizations cannot exceed 5 million RUB.
Participation in international exhibitions and fairs
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 750 thousand RUB (50% of the total amount of documented costs for participation in international exhibitions and fairs held outside the Russian Federation)
Compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the importing country, which are necessary for the export of goods (works, services)
Legal entities that are not small business enterprises registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and engaged in economic activities in accordance with the OKVED Section C «Manufacturing», with the exception of:
- class 11 «Beverage production» (except for Group 11.07 «Production of non-alcoholic beverages production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»);
- class 12; «Production of tobacco products»;
- class 18; «Printing and copying of media»;
- class 19; «Production of coke and petroleum products»;
- subclass 32.1; «Production of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar goods» class 32 «Production of other finished products»;
- class 33 «Repair and installation of machinery and equipment».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 3 million RUB (100% of the total amount of documented costs)
Legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization
Legal entities (with the exception of state (municipal) institutions) registered on the territory of Saint Petersburg and carrying out economic activities in accordance with the OKVED: to section C «Manufacturing» with the exception of Class 11 «Beverage production» (except for group 11.07 «Production of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters»), Class 12; «Production of tobacco products to Class 72; «Scientific research and development» of Section M; «Professional, scientific and technical activities».
Maximum volume for one company
No more than 400,000 RUB (50% of the total amount of documented costs)
Subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses
Subsidizing the costs of small and medium-sized businesses operating in the field of handicrafts and folk arts and crafts
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
The maximum amount of subsidies to one small or medium-sized business entity is 70% of the documented costs incurred since 01.01.2016, but not more than 700,000 RUB (net of VAT).
Support for social entrepreneurship
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
The maximum amount of the subsidy to one SME within one financial year is 50% of the documented costs incurred from 01.01.2017 to 01.01.2019, but not more than 700,000 RUB (net of VAT).
Subsidizing part of rental payments of SMEs engaged in production activities in the field of light industry
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
The maximum amount of the subsidy to one SME is 70% of the documented costs incurred no earlier than 01.01.2016, but not more than 700,000 RUB (net of VAT).
Exhibition and fair activities
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
The maximum amount of the subsidy to one SME is 50% of the documented costs for participation in exhibition and fair events made no earlier than 01.01.2017, no more than 700,000 RUB (net of VAT).
Subsidizing the costs of SMEs for the development of day-time groups of preschool children
SMEs registered and operating on the territory of Saint Petersburg that do not have debts to budgets of all levels and state extra-budgetary funds
Maximum volume for one company
The maximum amount of subsidies to one SME within one financial year is 85% of the documented costs incurred no earlier than 01.01.2017, but not more than 700,000 RUB (net of VAT).
Information about subsidies granted
The Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade of Saint Petersburg for 2021 issued subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses in the following areas:
- compensation of expenses related to participation in international exhibitions and fairs-27 organizations;
- reimbursement of expenses related to the fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation of the importing country, which are necessary for the export of goods (works, services) - 13 organizations;
- compensation of transportation costs agricultural and food industry goods - 2 of an organisation.
Financial support for SMEs
Поручительства по кредитам, банковским гарантиям и лизингу
The non-profit organization «Foundation for Promotion of SME Lending, a micro-credit company» provides financial support to SMEs in two directions:
- provision of guarantees for loans, bank guarantees and leasing;
- issuing of preferential microloans.
The Foundation provides guarantees to SMEs under credit agreements, bank guarantee agreements up to 100 million RUB, but not more than 50% of the amount of the borrower's obligations.
It is necessary to have your own loan collateral and (or) a bank guarantee in the amount of at least 30% from the amount of their obligations in terms of refund of actually obtained sum of loan and (or) bank guarantee.
The guarantee is provided by the Fund on a paid basis, the cost of the guarantee of the Lending Assistance Foundation – 0.75% per annum from the amount of the guarantee.
For start-up entrepreneurs who have been operating for less than 12 months, the amount of remuneration is 0.5 % per annum of the amount of the guarantee provided.
Activity direction | Number of support recipients pcs. | Number of sureties pcs. | |
1 | Manufacturing | 85 | 97 |
2 | Wholesale and retail trade | 175 | 206 |
3 | Professional scientific and technical activities | 9 | 10 |
4 | Other types of activities | 88 | 107 |
Loans without collateral security to SMEs in order to preserve employment
Loans are provided for the purposes of:
- paying salaries to the borrower's employees and paying mandatory deductions for taxes and contributions from the payroll;
- replenishment of working capital, with the exception of expenses related to repayment of obligations under credit contracts (agreements), financial lease agreements (leasing), loan agreements, payment of dividends, repurchase of own shares or shares in the authorized capital, charity.
The Fund's loans are provided to SMEs of Saint Petersburg in the amount of 50,000 RUB up to 5 million RUB for a period of 6 to 36 months.
Interest rate
The interest rate under the loan agreement is:
- 1% per annum for 1 – 12 month;
- 2% per annum on 13 – 24 month;
- 3% per annum on 25 – 36 month.
Loans are provided without collateral security, under the guarantee of the owners of the business.
Activity direction | Number of support recipients pcs. | Number of loans pcs. | |
1 | Manufacturing | 12 | 12 |
2 | Wholesale and retail trade | 7 | 7 |
3 | Professional scientific and technical activities | 4 | 4 |
4 | Other types of activities | 146 | 149 |
Loans secured by property
The Fund's loans are provided to SMEs and self-employed citizens of Saint Petersburg in the amount of 50 thousand to 5 million RUB for a period of 3 to 24 months at the time of the emergency regime in Saint Petersburg and/or increased readiness.
The interest rate under the loan agreement accounts for:
- 1% per annum – for SMEs engaged in the production and sale of protective and disinfectants, workwear, medical masks, production of medical equipment;
- 3% per annum – for SMEs – industrial, scientific and technical and social enterprises;
- 5% per annum for other SMEs.
1% per annum for 1 – 12 month, 3% per annum for 13 – 24 month for SMEs from industries most affected by the deterioration of the situation as a result of the spread of the new coronavirus infection. There is a grace period for repayment of the principal debt and interest on the loan for up to 6 months (up to 12 months for SMEs from the affected sectors of the economy).
Activity direction | Number of support recipients pcs. | Number of loans pcs. | |
1 | Manufacturing | 29 | 30 |
2 | Wholesale and retail trade | 44 | 46 |
3 | Professional scientific and technical activities | 8 | 8 |
4 | Other types of activities | 99 | 104 |