The key mechanism for supporting investors in Saint Petersburg is the awarding the status of "strategic investment project of Saint Petersburg" to the most significant projects for the city from a social and economic perspectives which provides the following concessions:
Currently, the Investment Committee of Saint Petersburg is actively implementing more than 30 strategic projects, the total investment volume of which will amount to more than 75 billion RUB.
10 place
In the rating of regions by the level of development of public-private partnership for 2022
A strategic investment project must meet a set of the following requirements:
- Improvement of social, economic and cultural living conditions of residents of Saint Petersburg as a result of the implementation of the investment project;
- The effectiveness of the implementation of the investment project for the investor and for Saint Petersburg, taking into account its payback period, profitability, the volume of tax revenues to the federal budget and (or) the budget of Saint Petersburg;
- In accordance with the Law of Saint Petersburg dated 19.11.2008 No. 742-136 "On Strategic Investment Projects, Strategic Investors and Strategic Partners of Saint Petersburg", the awarding of the status of a strategic investment project is available under condition of the provision of the total investment volume
- Implementation of import substitution measures by creating the production of goods, the country of origin of which will be the Russian Federation, or the use of goods, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, during the implementation of the investment project;
- The investor and (or) affiliated persons implementing an investment project must have experience in implementing investment projects of a similar industry affiliation worth at least 2 billion RUB, and for investment projects the required total investment volume for which is at least 1 billion RUB;
- Experience over 10 years is taken into account.
How to get the status of a strategic project:
- Application from the initiator
1 day - Registration of the request on the day of receipt
1 day - Consideration of the application
5 days (from the day following the day of registration) - Notification of sufficiency of the initiator or insufficiency of the submitted materials
2 days - Option 1: Execution of an examination and preparation of the conclusion
1 month
Option 2: Suspension of consideration appeals in connection with insufficiency of submitted materials
1 month - Notification of the initiator about the expert report
5 working days from the date of prepareing the expertize - Development of a draft legal act of the Government of Saint Petersburg about strategic investment project or strategic investor
7 working days
- Improvement of the socio-economic and cultural living conditions of the residents of St. Petersburg as a result of the implementation of the investment project;
- The effectiveness of the implementation of the investment project for the investor and for St. Petersburg, taking into account its payback period, profitability, and tax revenues to the federal budget and (or) the budget of St. Petersburg;
- In accordance with the Law of St. Petersburg dated 19.11.2008 No.742–136 «On Strategic Investment Projects, strategic investors and strategic partners of St. Petersburg, the assignment of the status of a strategic investment project is possible ifnbsp; subject to ensuring the total volume of investment;
- Implementation of import substitution measures by creating the production of goods, the country of origin of which will be the Russian Federation, or the use of goods, the country of origin of which is the Russian Federation, in the course of the implementation of the investment project;
- The investor and (or) his affiliated persons implementing an investment project must have experience in implementing investment projects of a similar industry affiliation worth at least 2 billion rubles, and for investment projects the required total investment volume for which is at least 1 billion rubles;
- The experience of 10 years is taken into account.