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位于波罗的海芬兰湾岸上的圣彼得堡具有极其有利地缘政治位置、发达的多元化经济和现代的交通运输综合体。在圣彼得堡集中了重要的人力和智力潜能,以及广阔的创新-工业资源。圣彼得堡——继莫斯科和伦敦之后最大的欧洲城市 ,人口数量超过520万。



  • 在圣彼得堡成功运行着投资活动扶持体系——投资项目陪同是以投资商“统一窗口”为原则实施,该原则是在《投资管理》圣彼得堡国家预算机构的基础上实施。在城市内还运作着投资商的税收优惠,该优惠可以为自己的项目赋予圣彼得堡战略投资项目水平
  • 在国际市场上非常著名的圣彼得堡工业品牌:《基罗夫斯基工厂》股份有限公司,《宜若乐思基工厂》股份有限公司,《动力机械》股份有限公司。船舶制造企业:《北方造船厂》,《波罗的海工厂》,《海军部造船厂》,《中-涅瓦船舶制造工厂》,《钻石》。在圣彼得堡注册并现有许多大型企业的总部,如:《俄罗斯天然气工业石油公司》股份有限公司,《现代商业船队》俄罗斯航运公司,《西伯尔控股》俄罗斯石化控股公司,《多金属》俄罗斯矿业公司 ,《LSR集团》。同时在城市中还运行着100多家外国企业。其中最大的国际品牌:«Siemens», «Toyota», «General Motors», «Nissan», «Hyundai», «Coca‑Cola», «PepsiCo», «Gillette» 等
  圣彼得堡是欧洲和俄罗斯西北部最大的铁路枢纽,所有重要大陆铁路线通过该枢纽。 十月铁路—《俄罗斯铁路》股份有限公司的分支负责铁路交通工具的运输。2015年从十月铁路火车站和站点发送了超过1亿3800万乘客。在圣彼得堡也运营着到莫斯科和赫尔辛基的高铁线路——从圣彼得堡到达这些城市只需3.5小时
  • 圣彼得堡在国家-个体伙伴关系机制应用方面是俄罗斯联邦主体中的先驱和领导者。在圣彼得堡国家-个体伙伴关系框架下所吸引的投资总额超过3600亿卢布
  • 圣彼得堡自信地占据俄罗斯游客人数最多的城市榜单之首。作为欧洲最大的旅游中心,历史中心和与其相关的圣彼得堡古物综合体被列入到联合国教科文组织世界遗产名单。每年城市都会接收超过500万的游客。在2015年该数字达到650万
According to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mlrd. rub Chart title542.4666.3825.11 119.71 431.81 473.31 673.71 917.42 137.92 5002 6523 178.62004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150k1k2k3k4k
The turnover of organizations
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. rub Chart title3 912 0563 634 3004 767 6606 163 4007 193 0386 505 6017 362 8008 269 972200820092010201120122013201420150M2M4M6M8M10M
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2009
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing:737100 mln. rub.Production and distribution electricity, gas and water:180900 mln. rub.Building: 154000 mln. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motorvehicles, motorcycles, householdgoods and personal itemsuse: 1785700 mln. rub.Transport and communications: 400800 mln. rub.real estateestate, renting andprovision of services: 267300mln. rub.Other activities: 108500mln. rub.1/2
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2010
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing:1453839 mln. rub.Production and distribution electricity, gas and water:227335 mln. rub.Building: 173942 mln. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motorvehicles, motorcycles, householdgoods and personal itemsuse: 2048157 mln. rub.Transport and communications: 441635 mln. rub.real estateestate, renting andprovision of services: 307078mln. rub.Other activities: 115674mln. rub.1/2
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2011
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing:2230145 mln. rub.Production and distribution electricity, gas and water:276458 mln. rub.Building: 172682 mln. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motorvehicles, motorcycles, householdgoods and personal itemsuse: 2475715 mln. rub.Transport and communications: 464225 mln. rub.real estateestate, renting andprovision of services: 407510mln. rub.Other activities: 132788mln. rub.1/2
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2012
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing:2490305 mln. rub.Production and distribution electricity, gas and water:245457 mln. rub.Building: 183207 mln. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motorvehicles, motorcycles, householdgoods and personal itemsuse: 3156397 mln. rub.Transport and communications: 554422 mln. rub.real estateestate, renting andprovision of services: 405353mln. rub.Other activities: 157897mln. rub.1/2
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2013
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing:2410103 mln. rub.Production and distribution electricity, gas and water:296077 mln. rub.Building: 301592 mln. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motorvehicles, motorcycles, householdgoods and personal itemsuse: 2243338 mln. rub.Transport and communications: 575716 mln. rub.real estateestate, renting andprovision of services: 522238mln. rub.Other activities: 130112mln. rub.1/2
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2014
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleAgriculture, hunting and forestry : 4,5 mlrd. rub.Mining:8,6 mlrd. rub.Manufacturing:2607,9 mlrd. rub.Production and distribution of power,gas and water: 290,2 mlrd. rub.Building: 381,7 mlrd. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goodsand personal items:2627,2 mlrd. rub.Hotels and restaurants:51,4 mlrd. rub.Transport and communications: 632,6 mlrd. rub.real estaterentingand provision of services:630,3 mlrd. rub.Public administrationand militarysecurity; compulsorysocialinsurance:2,5 mlrd. rub.Health care and the provision of social services:42,7 mlrd. rub.Education: 28,1 mlrd. rub.Othercommunity, socialand personal services:53,1 mlrd. rub.Other activities:2 mlrd. rub.1/3
The turnover of organizations by types of economic activity, 2015
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleAgriculture, hunting and forestry : 5,411 mlrd. rub.Mining:10,312 mlrd. rub.Manufacturing:2570,258 mlrd. rub.Production and distribution of power,gas and water: 284,487 mlrd. rub.Building: 391,57 mlrd. rub.Wholesale and retail trade,repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goodsand personal items:3168,451 mlrd. rub.Hotels and restaurants:61,092 mlrd. rub.Transport and communications: 696,669 mlrd. rub.real estaterentingand provision of services:880,356 mlrd. rub.Health care and the provision of social services:79,291 mlrd. rub.Education: 31,185 mlrd. rub.Othercommunity, socialand personal services:82,866 mlrd. rub.Other activities:8,024 mlrd. rub.1/3
The industrial production index
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4% last year Chart title113.7105.798110.3103.979.9108.9113.8104.398.891.892.72004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150255075100125
Investment in fixed capital
The volume of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy
According to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. rub Chart title117 762156 853193 683303 448366 959334 074401 500293 600351 900366 900523 600521 3002004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150k100k200k300k400k500k600k
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2004
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:10280,3 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 48060 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 57619,5 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 1802,3 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2005
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:11335,8 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 70135,1 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 72825,6 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 2557.2 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2006
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:13091,3 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 87781,8 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 92137,3 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 673,1 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2007
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:23793,1 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures:145612 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 133541,1 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 502,2 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2008
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:37501,6 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures:177491,2 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 150543,1 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 1424 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:40836 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 148091 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 135002 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 781 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:37000 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 173300 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 162300 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 2400 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:37600 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 141000 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 112300 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 2700 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:60700 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 121100 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 168200 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 1900 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:63800 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 158600 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 140600 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 3900 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2014
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:85297,9 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 185771,5 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 233391,8 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 18838,8 mln. rub.
The specific structure of investments in fixed capital of organizations of the economy, 2015
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleInvestment in dwellings:81100 mln. rubInvestment in buildings (except residential)and structures: 186700 mln. rub.Investments in machines,equipment, transport а: 232300 mln. rub.Other investments in fixedcapital: 21200 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2008
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 46788 mln. rub.Depreciation: 38095 mln. rub.bank loans: 31505 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 7331 mln. rub.Budget: 114770 mln.rub.Other: 36152 mln. rub.Other own: 17026 mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:210 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 33913 mln. rub.Depreciation: 39505 mln. rub.bank loans: 21467 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 13432 mln. rub.Budget: 103405 mln.rub.Other: 29473 mln. rub.Other own: 4990 mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:108 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 32810 mln. rub.Depreciation: 43042 mln. rub.bank loans: 56204 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 6885 mln. rub.Budget: 98031 mln.rub.Other: 38925 mln. rub.Other own: 5585 mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:5082 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 39905 mln. rub.Depreciation: 53806 mln. rub.bank loans: 29359 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 10101 mln. rub.Budget: 83622 mln.rub.Other: 33226 mln. rub.Other own: 0 mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:475 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 47622 mln. rub.Depreciation: 54033 mln. rub.bank loans: 24352 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 8039 mln. rub.Budget: 72263 mln.rub.Other: 32855 mln. rub.Other own: mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:240 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleThe profit remaining in disposal of the organization: 61376 mln. rub.Depreciation: 53975 mln. rub.bank loans: 25263mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 15311mln. rub.Budget: 75794 mln.rub.Other: 26797 mln. rub.Other own: mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:2717 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2014
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titlebank loans: 31736 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 22796 mln. rub.Investment from abroad: 178 mln. rub.Budget: 80825 mln.rub.From extra-budgetary funds:388 mln. rub. а organizationsand населения, привлеченныедля долевого строительства:24185 mln. rub.Other: 37120 mln. rub.
Investments in fixed capital of large and medium organizations by sources of funding, 2015
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titlebank loans: 20612 mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 5796 mln. rub.Investment from abroad: 1380 mln. rub.Budget: 92998 mln.rub.From extra-budgetary funds:332 mln. rub. а organizationsand населения, привлеченныедля долевого строительства:16790 mln. rub.Other: 34749 mln. rub.
Foreign investment
The volume of foreign investments
According to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4млн dollars USA Chart title985.11 417.25 254.86 283.95 927.65 525.15 231.46 120.710 765.513 431.27 912200420052006200720082009201020112012201320140k2.5k5k7.5k10k12.5k15k
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2004
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titlebank loans: 31736mln. rub.Borrowings from otherorganizations: 22796mln. rub.Budget: 80825 mln.rub.Other: 37120 mln. rub.From extra-budgetary funds:388 mln. rub.
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2005
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 953,4 mln. dollarsBuilding: 2,4 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:37 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:77,2 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:116 mln. dollarsOther: 231,2 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2006
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 2446 mln. dollarsBuilding: 25,2 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:119,8 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:204,1 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:232,1 mln. dollarsOther: 387,6 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2007
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 5172 mln. dollarsBuilding: 56,8 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:143,8 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:123,6 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:383,7 mln. dollarsOther: 404mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2008
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 4355,1 mln. dollarsBuilding:353,5 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:145,5 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:17,6 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:577,3 mln. dollarsOther: 478,6 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 4482,2 mln. dollarsBuilding:359,6 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:213,3 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:116,2 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:287,7 mln. dollarsOther: 66,1 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 4763,7 mln. dollarsBuilding:70,9 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:181,1 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:0 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:180,9 mln. dollarsOther: 34,8 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 4376,5 mln. dollarsBuilding:38,3 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:345,6 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:217,6 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:751 mln. dollarsOther: 391,7 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 8883,3 mln. dollarsBuilding: 83,4 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:400,8 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:70,6 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:671,3 mln. dollarsOther: 656,1 mln. dollars
Foreign investments by types of economic activity, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleManufacturing: 12066,3 mln. dollarsBuilding: 36,7 mln. dollarsWholesale and retail trade;repair of motor ,motorcycles, household goods иpersonal use items:279,6 mln. dollarsFinancial activities:78,7 mln. dollarsreal estateestate, renting andprovision of services:618,1 mln. dollarsOther: 112,1 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2004
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:111,9 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 24,7 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 848,5 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2005
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:249,4 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 20,1 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 1147,6 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2006
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:643,5 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 1835,3 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 2776,1 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2007
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:776,4 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 507.1 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 5000,5 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2008
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:1373,7 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 26,8 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 4527,1 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:1198,7 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 138,2 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 4188,2 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:538,1 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 4,1 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 4689,2 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:1074,1 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 210,9 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 4835,7mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:891,3 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 51,9 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 9824,3 mln. dollars
The structure of foreign investment, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleDirect foreign investments:1383,9 mln. dollarsPortfolio foreigninvestments: 310,2 mln. dollarsOther foreign investment: 11737,1 mln. dollars
The largest investor countries, 2008
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 947,7 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 200,3 mln. dollarsGermany: 379,2 mln. dollarsCyprus: 413,3 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 1396,3 mln. dollarsFinland: 480,3 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 174,9 mln. dollarsChina: 229,4 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands:130,4 mln.dollarsSweden: 71,8 mln. dollarsUSA: 297,3 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 4,5 mln. dollarsBelgium: 230,3 mln. dollarsJapan: 20 mln. dollarsFrance: 55 mln. dollarsMexico: 31 mln. dollarsUkraine: 38,1 mln. dollarsAustria: 50,8 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 50 mln. dollarsNetherlands: 275,2 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 4,1 mln. dollars1/2
The largest investor countries, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 871,5 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 809,4 mln. dollarsGermany: 558 mln. dollarsCyprus: 555 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 525,1 mln. dollarsFinland: 439,1 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 312,8 mln. dollarsChina: 269,4 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands:173,8 mln.dollarsSweden: 165 mln. dollarsUSA: 150,6 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 129,2 mln. dollarsBelgium: 110 mln. dollarsJapan: 68,1 mln. dollarsFrance: 63,2 mln. dollarsMexico: 52,2 mln. dollarsUkraine: 18,7 mln. dollars Austria: 32,5 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 33 mln. dollars Netherlands: 34,6 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 1,4 mln. dollars1/2
The largest investor countries, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 606 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 153,7 mln. dollarsGermany: 130,8 mln. dollarsCyprus: 214,2 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 14,6 mln. dollarsFinland: 90,3 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 231 mln. dollarsChina: 49,7 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands:49,5 mln.dollarsSweden: 200 mln. dollarsUSA: 24,5 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 534 mln. dollarsBelgium: 440,4 mln. dollarsJapan: 1,9 mln. dollarsFrance: 1793,1 mln. dollarsMexico: 86 mln. dollarsUkraine: 70,3 mln. dollars Austria: 101,5 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 90,6 mln. dollars Netherlands: 76,3 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 2,2 mln. dollars1/2
The largest investor countries, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 184,6 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 281,6 mln. dollarsGermany: 415,6 mln. dollarsCyprus: 569,6 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 1042 mln. dollarsFinland: 233,1 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 301 mln. dollarsChina: 538,4 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands: 26,4 mln.dollarsSweden: 264,6 mln. dollarsUSA: 35,6 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 580,3 mln. dollarsBelgium: 245,7 mln. dollarsJapan: 7,3 mln. dollarsFrance: 43,1 mln. dollarsMexico: 1,9 mln. dollarsUkraine: 25,5 mln. dollars Austria: 314,3 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 217,5 mln. dollars Netherlands: 30,7 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 109.1 mln. dollars1/2
The largest investor countries, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 278,8 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 187,6 mln. dollarsGermany: 437,7 mln. dollarsCyprus: 577,1 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 1861,3 mln. dollarsFinland: 267 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 492,1 mln. dollarsChina: 85,1 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands: 1231,5 mln.dollarsSweden: 482,6 mln. dollarsUSA: 131,9 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 707,5 mln. dollarsBelgium: 420,5 mln. dollarsJapan: 16,5 mln. dollarsFrance: 81,1 mln. dollarsMexico: 2,3 mln. dollarsUkraine: 143,8 mln. dollars Austria: 458,8 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 207,5 mln. dollars Netherlands: 355,3 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 0 mln. dollars1/2
The largest investor countries, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBelarus: 216,7 mln. dollarsSwitzerland: 221,1 mln. dollarsGermany: 1246,9 mln. dollarsCyprus: 728,7 mln. dollarsUnited Kingdom: 390,5 mln. dollarsFinland: 331,4 mln. dollarsKazakhstan: 1199,1 mln. dollarsChina: 19,2 mln. dollarsVirgin Islands: 767,8 mln.dollarsSweden: 743,5 mln. dollarsUSA: 115,9 mln. dollarsThe Republic of Korea: 812,8 mln. dollarsBelgium: 166,7 mln. dollarsJapan: 38,9 mln. dollarsFrance: 191,9 mln. dollarsMexico: 0,6 mln. dollarsUkraine: 168,7 mln. dollars Austria: 469,4 mln. dollarsKyrgyzstan: 191.9 mln. dollars Netherlands: 379 mln. dollarsTajikistan: 3,7 mln. dollars1/2
Foreign trade
Foreign trade turnover
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. dollars Chart title11 36414 97226 83737 81849 39131 27636 34153 23356 53754 05450 23833 1272004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150k10k20k30k40k50k60k
Import volume
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. dollars Chart title12 93120 68525 73417 83824 52432 65635 91534 924.729 916.519 29020062007200820092010201120122013201420150k10k20k30k40k
Import structure, 2008
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 6513 mln. dollarsMineral products:241 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 2999 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 91 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 871 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1486 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1792 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 10541 mln. dollarsOther: 1200 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2009
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 5779,5 mln. dollarsMineral products:133,3 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 2256,9 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 59,5 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 655 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1073,9 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1099,6 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 5856,6 mln. dollarsOther: 924,5 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2010
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 6646,8 mln. dollarsMineral products:189 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 2920,6 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 100,2 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 816,1 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1647,6 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1794,4 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 8846,2 mln. dollarsOther: 1563,3 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2011
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 7497,7 mln. dollarsMineral products:279,5 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 3629 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 127,9 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 895,3 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1986,3 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:2279,7 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 14109,6 mln. dollarsOther: 1850,8 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2012
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 7783 mln. dollarsMineral products:285,6 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 3923,7 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 111,2 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 964,9 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1957 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:2297,1 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 16666 mln. dollarsOther: 1926,4 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2013
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 7661,1 mln. dollarsMineral products:269,9 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 3824,27 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 92,4 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 967,9 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1853,3 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:2350,9 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 16045,7 mln. dollarsOther: 1859,3 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2014
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 6188,2 mln. dollarsMineral products:282,7 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 3547,4 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 78,3 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 812,6 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 1645,7 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1914,7 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 13873,1 mln. dollarsOther: 1573,8 mln. dollars1/2
Import structure, 2015
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 3754,2 mln. dollarsMineral products:174,8 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 2512,8 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 44,1 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 504,8 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 874,9 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1239,5 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 9334,1 mln. dollarsOther: 850,9 mln. dollars1/2
Export volume
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. dollars Chart title6 90417 78623 64313 43711 81720 57720 62219 129.120 321.213 83720062007200820092010201120122013201420150k5k10k15k20k25k
Export structure, 2008
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:710 mln. dollarsMineral products:18467 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 337 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 75 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 578 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 28 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1891 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1422 mln. dollarsOther: 135 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2009
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:692,3 mln. dollarsMineral products:10017,9 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 255 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 45 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 267,4 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 25,3 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:782,5 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1134,7 mln. dollarsOther: 217,6 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2010
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:475,9 mln. dollarsMineral products:7664,9 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 214,8 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 45,1 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 315,4 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 23,1 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:974,1 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1759,7 mln. dollarsOther: 344,3 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2011
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:579,5 mln. dollarsMineral products:15480,4 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 332,4 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 85,6 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 350,8 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 27,8 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1369,6 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1925,3 mln. dollarsOther: 425,2 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2012
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:906,4 mln. dollarsMineral products:13885,8 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 230 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 198,7 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 320,7 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 30,5 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:2093,9 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1524,7 mln. dollarsOther: 1431,4 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2013
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:900,7 mln. dollarsMineral products:12465,2 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 311,3 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 277,7 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 489,1 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 32,8 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1488,5 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 2168,5 mln. dollarsOther: 995,3 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2014
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities:855,3 mln. dollarsMineral products:13536,8 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 604,8 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 89,5 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 736,3 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 33,8 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1688,3 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 1716,6 mln. dollarsOther: 1059,8 mln. dollars1/2
Export structure, 2015
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleFoodstuffs andagricultural commodities: 532,6 mln. dollarsMineral products:8247,9 mln. dollarsChemical products, rubber: 436,5 mln. dollarsTanning raw materials, furs and products from them: 59,7 mln. dollarsWood and pulp and paper products: 572,3 mln. dollarsTextiles, textile products and footwear: 32,3 mln. dollarsMetals and products from them:1320,1 mln. dollarsMachinery, equipment and transport : 2141,3 mln. dollarsOther: 494,1 mln. dollars1/2
Transport infrastructure
The passenger turnover of the Pulkovo airport
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. пасс. Chart title4.
The freight turnover of air transport
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4mln. tonne-km Chart title24.623.524.1232018.921.821.220.9272006200720082009201020112012201320142015051015202530
The cargo turnover of the Big sea port
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4ths. tons Chart title57 46254 241.859 608.559 945.250 408.458 059.959 989.357 81457 972.461 183.151 500200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150k10k20k30k40k50k60k70k
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2009
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 7681,5 ths. tonsDry bulk: 212,2 ths. tonsTimber: 138,7 ths. tonsGeneral: 11649,1 ths. tonsContainer: 14542,6 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 275,8 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 15906 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2010
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 9024,7 ths. tonsDry bulk: 198,5 ths. tonsTimber: 222,8 ths. tonsGeneral: 12823 ths. tonsContainer: 19000,1 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 451,4 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 16399,1 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2011
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 7172,8 ths. tonsDry bulk: 250,6 ths. tonsTimber: 194 ths. tonsGeneral: 13963,2 ths. tonsContainer: 21978 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 691,5 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 15739,2 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2012
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 5525,5 ths. tonsDry bulk: 322,2 ths. tonsTimber: 254,8 ths. tonsGeneral: 13913,5 ths. tonsContainer: 23039,6 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 764,7 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 13994,1 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2013
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 6782,231 ths. tonsTimber: 210,381 ths. tonsGeneral: 12214,83 ths. tonsContainer: 23178,987 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 490,45 ths. tonsro-ro cargo: 851,773 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 13984,601 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2014
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 8622,87 ths. tonsTimber: 323,28 ths. tonsGeneral: 12633,403 ths. tonsContainer: 23819,689 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 511,33 ths. tonsro-ro cargo: 845,719 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 14273,25 ths. tons
The structure of cargo turnover of the Big sea port, 2015
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart titleBulk cargoes: 8682,656 ths. tonsTimber: 373,714 ths. tonsGeneral: 11839,969 ths. tonsContainer: 19840,808 ths. tonsFreight ferries: 338,322 ths. tonsro-ro cargo: 616,68 ths. tonsLiquid cargo: 9637,056 ths. tons
Average annual population
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4чел. Chart title4 612 0414 590 3104 575 9024 569 6164 574 9504 591 0654 627 2004 925 4755 027 7005 131 9005 191 7005 225 7002004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150M1M2M3M4M5M6M
Life expectancy at birth, years
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart title67.367.868.969.970.5717373.373.573.774.674.9200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015020406080
Life expectancy at birth, women, years
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart title73.77474.875.475.876.
Life expectancy at birth, men, years
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4 Chart title6161.562.86464.965.967.367.667.968.268.269.8200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015020406080
Labour market
The number of economically active population
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4thous. persons. Chart title2 552.82 570.22 644.92 709.32 7042 7182 660.52 6772 895.92 848.92 885.12 967.22004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150500100015002000250030003500
Unemployment rate
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4% Chart title2.
Average monthly wage
according to Rosstat
Created with Highcharts 4.2.4rub. Chart title7 931.110 133.913 033.217 55222 473.424 45727 62629 52233 17137 59440 66043 6852004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420150k10k20k30k40k50k