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A dialogue between government and business on the investment climate took place in St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg Investment Committee took part in the annual Public Hearing on issues, impeding the entrepreneurship development in the city, organized by the Commissioner for St. Petersburg Entrepreneurs’ rights protection.

«St. Petersburg Investment Climate: Economy Real Sector’s enterprises actual issues» session on October 29, 2019 became a platform for dialogue between the small, medium and large business authorities and representatives in the city. Evgeny Vasiliev, Deputy Committee on Investments, acted as a speaker on investment projects state support issues and prospective development in the strategic session.

The main purpose of holding public hearings in St. Petersburg is to discuss and formulate the business climate improvement proposals. Hundreds of the city’s business community’s, public and state structures’ representatives annually become the discussions participants. The final proposals are included in the final report of the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in St. Petersburg and are sent to St. Petersburg’s Governor, the Legislative Assembly, as well as to the Commissioner, supported by the Russian Federation President.