The popularity of the investment map of Russia is growing

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia launched the investment map of Russia at the end of February this year. Since then, the number of views of investment properties across the country has approached 500 thousand.
The growing importance of the investment map of Russia as a tool for comparing and selecting investment sites is also confirmed by data on completed transactions. According to the results of the third quarter of 2024, entrepreneurs purchased 171 investment sites located on the map.
"The map allows you to find and purchase premises or land in any part of the country. So, entrepreneurs bought 71 investment sites for 1.68 billion rubles, and leased 100 sites with a monthly payment of 14 million rubles," said Murat Kerefov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia.
The investment map was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia together with the Government of Moscow on the basis of investment maps of the regions. Currently, the map contains almost 15 thousand sites for doing business, namely land plots for construction, agriculture, as well as industrial sites and premises for small businesses.
On the investment map, you can not only select the necessary site online, but also assess its business environment, the availability of minerals and infrastructure – from road surface to cellular communications, conditions of technical connection.
In addition, the map allows you to assess the available preferential regimes, government support measures, as well as the investment attractiveness of the regions through the main macroeconomic indicators, including data on average wages, population density and the structure of the gross regional product. All this makes the investment map of Russia an important tool for business development.
Since July 2024, private individuals and legal entities have also had the opportunity to place their sites on the investment card for rent or purchase.
Recall that the investment map of St. Petersburg is simultaneously presented on the city Investment portal. It is built on the basis of the Regional Geographic Information System of St. Petersburg and provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the free investment sites of the city online.