The project for the construction of a rear sea terminal has been awarded the status of "strategic"

At a working meeting of the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, with members of the city government, the assignment of the status of a strategic investment project of St. Petersburg to the investment project "Construction of a rear sea terminal", and Phoenix LLC - a strategic investor of St. Petersburg was approved.
In this regard, appropriate amendments are being made to the Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 06/21/2005 No. 837 "On approval of the List of Strategic Investment Projects of St. Petersburg, the List of Strategic Investors of St. Petersburg and the List of Strategic Partners of St. Petersburg".
Alexander Beglov noted that the development of the multifunctional Bronka transshipment complex and railway approaches to it has become one of the main projects in the Russian transport industry.
"The project is strategic. In parallel with the development of water and rail transport facilities, a warehouse infrastructure will be created. This is important not only for Russia, but also for other countries. Friendly Belarus is among them. One of the key tasks of the development of St. Petersburg‑The President called the expansion of the foreign trade infrastructure the St. Petersburg agglomeration. This directly concerns the development of seaports and terminals. St. Petersburg bears a significant share of responsibility for the further implementation of this project," Alexander Beglov stressed.
The governor emphasized that the city today uses all available opportunities to support large investors. The status of a strategic investor gives them significant advantages. Including obtaining a land plot without bidding. St. Petersburg also provides lease benefits and the right to purchase land at a reduced rate.
The governor also recalled that the Phoenix company is a reliable partner of the city. Within the framework of SPIEF 2024, an agreement of intent was signed between St. Petersburg and Phoenix LLC with the aim of developing the rear capacities of the port infrastructure of MMPC Bronka, in particular, the creation of a rear sea terminal in the city to provide services for transshipment of container, bulk and general cargo to road and rail transport.
"The increase in Bronka's capacity will expand the range of goods and increase the transit potential of St. Petersburg," Alexander Beglov said.
The new terminal will be built in the Petrodvorets district of St. Petersburg, on Krasnoflotskoye highway. The project is expected to be implemented in 2024-2034. More than 70 high-performance jobs will be created as part of the investment project.