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St. Petersburg will receive 90 billion from the federal budget for the construction of the SCHMSD

Governor Alexander Beglov recalled this in the program "Petersburg. A new look" on TV channel 78, noting that this is a serious victory for the city. "At various times, the President of Russia signed seven instructions in support of the federal co-financing of the SCHMSD project - in support of the city. And St. Petersburg will receive the entire 90 billion - for the second, third and fourth stages of the construction of this very important highway for the city. This will give us the opportunity to connect the ring Road with the Leningrad region and access the Cola road. This is a joint project of our city and the Leningrad region. By supporting this project, the President gave the opportunity to develop two regions of the Federation," the governor said. Recall that the high-speed Latitudinal Highway project is being implemented on behalf of the President and in accordance with the state program "Development of the transport system of St. Petersburg". In conjunction with the Western High-Speed Diameter, the SCHMSD will perform the functions of bypassing the center of St. Petersburg and create conditions for bringing all transit transport from the busy street and road network of the city to the system of high-speed and continuous highways. Vladimir Putin made a number of decisions on the St. Petersburg agglomeration during his work in the Northern Capital on January 26-29, 2024. The construction, financing and operation of the second and fourth stages of the SMSD will be carried out within the framework of the concession agreement, which is scheduled to be signed this year. Documentation is currently being prepared to identify the concessionaire.