The volume of PPP agreements and concessions in Russia has exceeded 2 trillion rubles

In 2024, 215 agreements worth 2.3 trillion rubles were concluded in Russia within the framework of public-private partnership (PPP) and concessions, of which the majority, 1 trillion 600 billion, were extra-budgetary investments. A year earlier, the volume of investments under concession agreements and PPPs amounted to 955 billion rubles. Such data were announced by representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation within the framework of the forum "Business Infrastructure Initiatives", which was held in Moscow on February 26.
The largest amount of investments is in the transport industry — 64%. We are talking about a high-speed railway, high-speed highways and electric transport. More than a third of all investments relate to projects in the field of housing and communal services and the construction of social facilities, mainly campuses and schools.
To ensure transparency of the concession mechanism, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has created and presented on its website a register of concession agreements, which contains information on all projects implemented in Russia. The information in the registry is verified as part of the annual monitoring of PPP projects.
Since 2024, the PPP mechanism has been extended to projects for the reconstruction of private industrial enterprises and the creation of new industrial facilities on private land. It has become possible to implement PPP projects in the space industry, amendments have been made at the federal level to the legislation on housing and communal services concessions, and a law has been worked out that allows cultural heritage sites to be conceded for their restoration.
It should be recalled that the legislation of St. Petersburg in the field of PPP is in accordance with the federal laws "On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and "On Concession Agreements".
St. Petersburg's portfolio currently includes 16 concessions and three public-private partnership agreements at various stages of implementation for a total investment of more than 850 billion rubles.