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The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading a draft law on PPP in industry — a measure aimed at supporting large-scale projects in priority sectors

State Duma deputies supported in the first reading a bill expanding the possibilities of using public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms in the field of industrial production. The amendments suggest that the PPP mechanism will apply to reconstruction projects not only of state-owned industrial facilities, but also to private enterprises, including the creation of new facilities on private land. At the same time, such projects must comply with the taxonomy of technological sovereignty. The volume of investments in the project is set at a level above 10 billion rubles, the amount of financing from the investor's own funds is at least 15%, the amount of direct financial participation of the state is less than 50% of all project costs. The draft law was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development in cooperation with the Federation Council. The conclusion of agreements on the reconstruction of private facilities through PPP will take place only at the federal level and on a private initiative. The investor will need to send a project proposal to the Government of the Russian Federation. If approved, it will be published on the portal to accept applications for implementation from other persons. If they are received, a competition will be held. In the absence of applications, an agreement will be concluded with the investor. The amendments to the federal law on PPP are aimed at stimulating private initiative, attracting investment and supporting large industrial projects. Potentially, projects of the chemical industry, machine tool and mechanical engineering, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, electronics and others can be implemented within the framework of the PPP mechanism. It should be noted that St. Petersburg investors use both federal and regional support measures. In addition to the PPP mechanism, among the city's business assistance measures initiated by the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, is the implementation of investment projects in industry with the assignment of the status of "strategic", "large-scale investment project", as well as using the mechanism of the system of protection and promotion of investments (NWPC). Moreover, in 2023, the St. Petersburg SEZ was expanded - in addition to tax and customs benefits in the SEZ, the investor receives a site completely ready for the project. Recall that by the end of 2023, the industry in St. Petersburg is the leader in terms of attracted investments (209.4 billion rubles), including investments in manufacturing amounted to 102.1 billion rubles.