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    The investor will begin construction of a new stage of Archival Street in the Nevsky district

    At a working meeting of the Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov with members of the city government, the targeted provision of LLC Specialized Developer Setl Oktyabrskaya of a land plot on Far Eastern Avenue for the construction of a street and road network facility was approved.

    The investor will build a 771-meter-long section of Archive Street. Four traffic lanes will be provided on the new street. The construction period of the facility is within 11 months from the date of conclusion of the land lease agreement on investment terms. The planned date for putting the road into operation is 30.03.2025.

    "We have secured the simultaneous commissioning of housing with social and road facilities. Investors fulfill this condition. This is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for St. Petersburg residents in new quarters," Alexander Beglov noted.

    ​Upon completion of construction, the investor will transfer the road to the ownership of St. Petersburg under a purchase and sale agreement.