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Pulkovo Airport celebrates its birthday

The main St. Petersburg aviation company turned 92 years old. On June 24, 1932, the runway - then called Shosseynaya – received the first two planes with passengers and mail from Moscow. Today, the airport of the Northern Capital is one of the largest in the country. By the end of 2023, Pulkovo became the second airport in Russia in terms of traffic, serving 20.4 million passengers. In the first four months of 2024, compared to the same period last year, passenger traffic at Pulkovo Airport increased by 7%, amounting to 5.8 million passengers. The development of Pulkovo Airport is a strategic investment project of St. Petersburg. As part of the public-private partnership agreement, the first stage has been completed and an agreement on the implementation of the second stage of the airport development has been signed. The implementation of the second stage of Pulkovo provides, taking into account the increasing passenger traffic, the expansion of the airport terminal complex and related infrastructure facilities. The project is divided into phases A, B and C. A private partner has begun the design of Phase A facilities, which is scheduled to be completed in mid-2025. As part of Phase A, it is planned to reconstruct the existing and create new boarding galleries, build a new taxiway, a new apron and de-icing sites for aircraft, and reconstruct airfield infrastructure facilities. The planned volume of investments in the implementation of the second stage of Pulkovo airport is 198.9 billion rubles, including VAT.