A positive conclusion was issued for the work on the preparation of the construction site of one of the stages of the CMMSD

On March 24, 2025, the FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia issued a positive opinion on the design estimates for the construction of the Latitudinal High-speed Highway in St. Petersburg from Soyuzny Prospekt to the Ring Road. The preparation of the construction site of this site was allocated to a separate design stage in order to accelerate the implementation of the project.
The site is located on the territory of two subjects of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Along the main route, this part of the highway is more than 6.4 km long and is of particular importance, as it will connect the SCHMSD with the Ring Road, which will ensure the withdrawal of traffic flows from the Central, Frunzensky, and Moskovsky districts to the ring Road, bypassing residential and commercial developments in the Nevsky and Krasnogvardeisky districts.
The project documentation, which has passed the state examination procedure, provides for the reconstruction of engineering communications and railway infrastructure, as well as work to free up the territory for the start of construction. In particular, during the preparation of the construction site, reconstruction will be carried out.:
more than 7.4 km of water supply networks and facilities;
more than 2.7 km of communication networks;
more than 4 km of gas pipelines;
more than 20 km of power lines;
about 1.3 km of sewer networks.
Currently, work on the preparation of the territory at this stage of construction has already begun. The planned date for the commissioning of the CMMSD stage from Soyuzny Prospekt to the Ring Road is 2031.
The withdrawal from the state examination of the adjusted project regarding the preparation of the construction site of the second stage is expected before the end of April.
It should be recalled that the construction of the Latitudinal High-speed Highway is a megaproject of St. Petersburg, implemented on behalf of the President of Russia on the development of the transport system of the St. Petersburg agglomeration. The concession agreement between St. Petersburg and Latitudinal Highway of the Northern Capital LLC, part of VTB Infrastructure Holding, regarding the financing, creation and operation of the CMMSD in St. Petersburg was signed on November 20, 2024.