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    The draft law on the procedure for providing land for transport PPP projects has passed the first reading

    Today, the city Parliament adopted in the first reading the draft law of St. Petersburg "On Amendments to the Law of St. Petersburg "On the Procedure for Granting land Plots owned by the State of St. Petersburg in the execution of concession agreements, public-private partnership agreements and Amendments to certain laws of St. Petersburg."
    The document was developed by the Investment Committee of St. Petersburg to bring the legislation of our city in line with the federal one.
    The draft provides for the establishment of the amount of rent for land plots used to accommodate a toll highway or a highway containing toll plots in an amount equal to one percent of the cadastral value of these land plots. The same amount of annual rent is established for land plots provided on the basis of a concession agreement for the construction, reconstruction and use of a toll highway or a highway containing toll plots.
    Changes in legislation will not entail financial and economic consequences for persons with whom existing concession agreements have been concluded, since the amount of rent for land plots for them will be determined based on the terms of already concluded lease agreements.
    The initiative is designed to encourage investors to participate in the creation of St. Petersburg's transport infrastructure.
    To date, the portfolio of the Northern Capital at various stages of implementation includes 16 concessions and three public-private partnership agreements for a total investment of more than 850 billion rubles. Among them, three concession agreements and three PPP agreements are being implemented in the field of transport infrastructure, including a concession agreement on the creation of a tram network along the Kupchino metro station – Shushary–Slavyanka settlement route, the creation and operation of the Western High–Speed Diameter highway on the basis of a public-private partnership; agreement on the establishment, reconstruction and operation on the basis of a public-private partnership of the second stage of Pulkovo airport; concession agreement on financing, creation and operation of a high-speed highway.
    To ensure transparency of the concession mechanism, a register of concession agreements has been created on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:
    Earlier, on February 12, 2025, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, in order to bring regional legislation into line with federal legislation, adopted in the final reading the new law of St. Petersburg "On measures to implement the Federal Law on Concession Agreements and invalidate certain laws of St. Petersburg."