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Major investment projects will become drivers for the growth of the quality of the urban environment

During his speech to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly on May 14, 2024, Governor Alexander Beglov focused on new points of growth of the city's economy. These are large-scale capital-intensive investment projects that will unlock the potential of the region in scientific, intellectual and industrial spheres, in the field of transport, logistics, and tourism. As the Governor noted, an infrastructural breakthrough has been made in St. Petersburg in five years. We managed to attract strategic investors and launch large-scale projects that are significant for the city. "The key factor of our economic growth is the constant support of the city by the President of the country," Alexander Beglov stressed. With the support of the President, several megaprojects have been launched in St. Petersburg at once, most of which are planned to be implemented by 2030. Thus, the formation of the southern planning zone of St. Petersburg is planned on the basis of the Technological Valley, which will include three universities – ITMO University, Maritime University and St. Petersburg State University. In particular, within the framework of the strategic investment project of St. Petersburg - "Creation of the satellite City of Yuzhny", it is planned to build residential, public–business, commercial and social facilities with a total area of over 9.6 million square meters. meters for about 134 thousand people. Currently, the investor is preparing a draft layout of the territory of the first stage of the project - four land plots adjacent to the boundaries of the territory of the new campus of ITMO University "Highpark" under construction. The activities of the scientific and technological center will ensure the need of the city's economy for qualified personnel and innovative technologies for high-tech, knowledge-intensive industries. Major transport projects will ensure the development of a modern city framework. One of the key projects, the High-speed Latitudinal Highway, will create fundamentally new transport opportunities for residents and guests of St. Petersburg and the suburbs, as well as the Leningrad Region and other regions. Together with KAD-2, in the future, the SMSD will become part of promising transport corridors that are of great importance for the development of the entire North-West of Russia. The Kupchino – Shushary - Slavyanka high-speed tram will improve the quality of transport services in large residential areas where more than 60 thousand people live. The estimated travel time from the Slavyanka microdistrict to the Kupchino metro station will be reduced by almost two times. The second stage of Pulkovo Airport involves the development of the terminal, taking into account the future growth of passenger traffic and the construction of related infrastructure. The entire project is divided into phases, which allows you to quickly respond to changes and determine which facilities should be built first. The design of Phase A will end in mid-2025. As part of Phase A, it is planned to build a new boarding gallery, taxiway, aprons and de-icing platforms for aircraft, as well as the reconstruction of aprons. The new tourist territories being created in St. Petersburg will contribute to the development of modern hospitality infrastructure and new recreational offers for residents and guests of our city. By the decision of the President, the Island of Forts cluster in Kronstadt is being created, dedicated to the history of the Russian fleet. The first three stages of the historical park have already been opened. The Museum of Naval Glory has started its work with a unique object - the first Soviet nuclear submarine "Leninsky Komsomol", as well as a modern convention and exhibition center. The active restoration of the famous forts "Alexander the First", "Peter the Great" and "Kronshlot" continues. The entire Island of Forts cluster will be fully operational in 2026. Within the framework of the federal program for the creation of year-round seaside resorts "Five Seas", the project of the all-season resort "St. Petersburg Marina" has been launched. According to the concept, on the territory of the former Gorskaya construction site, it is planned to create sports and hotel infrastructure facilities, a large number of public and recreational spaces, the development of the coastal strip of the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland, the construction of embankments and a walking park area along the water. The necessary changes have already been made to the Master Plan for the implementation of the project. Currently, the investor is developing the project documentation of the cluster. It is planned to complete the work on the creation of the St. Petersburg Marina resort in 2029-2030. The future cluster will become a growth point in the north-coastal part of the city. Also, new large-scale projects are currently being developed with the participation of the Investment Committee, which are designed to become drivers of the development of key industries for the urban economy and set a new impetus for the growth of the quality of the urban environment corresponding to the metropolis of the 21st century.