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    The strategic investor has been provided with land plots for the construction of a marine terminal

    The corresponding decision was made at a working meeting of the Governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, with members of the city government. Two land plots in the Petrodvorets district were transferred to Phoenix LLC in a targeted manner.
    On one of the plots, with an area of almost 400 thousand square meters, the investor will build warehouses, on the second — with an area of almost 35 thousand square meters – a highway.
    "The project is important not only for St. Petersburg, but also for the whole country, as well as for our foreign partners. The Republic of Belarus is interested in it. At a meeting on the development of the St. Petersburg agglomeration, the President of Russia set the task of expanding the economic potential of St. Petersburg‑St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Including through the development of foreign trade infrastructure, seaports and terminals. The increase in the rear capacities of the Bronka will expand the range of goods and increase the transit potential of St. Petersburg," Alexander Beglov stressed.
    The construction period of the facilities is 34 months. The validity period of land lease agreements on investment terms is 36 months.
    Recall that on June 6, 2024, at the SPIEF, an agreement of intent was signed between St. Petersburg and Phoenix LLC to implement a project to create a rear sea terminal to provide services for transshipment of container, bulk and general cargo to road and rail transport.
    On July 29, 2024, at a working meeting of the Governor of St. Petersburg with members of the city government, the assignment of the status of a strategic investment project to the project "Construction of a rear sea terminal", and Phoenix LLC - a strategic investor of St. Petersburg was approved.