Constituents of the standard
In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 30.09.2021 No. 591 "On the system of support for new investment projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation", 5 elements of the Regional Investment Standard have been developed in St. Petersburg.
The main provisions of the document were repeatedly discussed at meetings of the Economic Council, the implementation of all elements was confirmed at the interregional forum "Regional Investment Standard – 2023" on 13.10.2023 in Nizhny Novgorod.
Investment Declaration of Saint Petersburg.
The Investment Declaration of Saint Petersburg is being developed in order to create conditions for advanced investment development and the achievement of national development goals of the Russian Federation. The constituent entitiy of the Russian Federation is obliged to follow this document in order to confirm inviolability of state support measures and conditions for doing business for the investor.
Saint Petersburg Development Agency
The functions of the Saint Petersburg Development Agency are performed by the Investment Committee of Saint Petersburg and its subordinate organization - Saint Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Investment Management".
One-Stop-Shop for investors Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 1042 dated September 27, 2012 "On the Investment Committee of Saint Petersburg".Investment Committee of Saint Petersburg
The functions of the Investment Committee in Saint Petersburg are performed on the basis of the Headquarters for Improving Business Conditions in Saint Petersburg.
Headquarters for Improving Business Conditions in Saint Petersburg Improvement of investment activity Resolution of the Government of Headquarters No. 114-pg dated 29.12.2022 for Improving Business Conditions in Saint Petersburg "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Governor of Saint Petersburg No. 12-pg dated 13.03.2014".Investment Map of Saint Petersburg
The investment map of Saint Petersburg is being created to provide investors with access to information regarding: the allocation of resources for the implementation of investment projects; the necessary infrastructure, as well as sites for the implementation of investment projects; the availability of preferential regimes (territories of advanced social and economic development, special economic zones, etc.); investment projects being implemented and planned for implementation (optional).
Investment map of St. PetersburgThe Code of Investment Rules of Saint Petersburg
The Code of Investment Rules of the Constituent Entity of the Russian Federation is the optimal algorithm of actions (the "client route") for an investor planning to implement an investment project on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The Code of Investment Rules is recommended to be implemented in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to increase transparency and simplify the investor's interaction with the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, control (supervisory) bodies and resource organizations in the implementation of investment projects.