Federal legislation
- St. Petersburg Law No. 185-36 dated 30.07.1998 "On State Support of Investment Activity in the Territory of Saint Petersburg" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 08.07.1998)
- Civil Code of the Russian Federation
- Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation
- Land Code of the Russian Federation
- Tax Code of the Russian Federation
- Federal Law No. 39-FZ dated 25.02.1999 "On Investment Activities in the Russian Federation Carried Out in the Form of Capital Investments"
- Federal Law No. 115-FZ dated 21.07.2005 "On Concession Agreements"
- Federal Law No. 224-FZ dated 13.07.2015 "On Public-Private Partnership, Municipal-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation"
- Federal Law No. 69-FZ dated 01.04.2020 "On Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments in the Russian Federation"
- Federal Law No. 160-FZ dated 09.07.1999 "On Foreign Investments in the Russian Federation"
- Federal Law No. 116-FZ dated 22.07.2005 "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation"
- Federal Law No. 57-FZ dated 29.04.2008 "On the Procedure of Foreign Investments in Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Country's Défense and State Security"
- Federal Law No. 156-FZ dated 29.11.2001 "On Investment Funds"
- Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated 05.04.2013 "On the Contract System in the Field of Procurement of Goods, Works, Services for State and Municipal Needs"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1831 dated 25.12.2019 "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation"
- Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 8 dated 15.01.2020 "On Amendments to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 708 dated 16.07.2015 "On Special Investment Contracts for Certain industries"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 24 dated 21.01.2020 "On Approval of the Requirements for the Structure, Content and Procedure for Preparing a Summary report on the Results of Investment Projects Implemented in Accordance with Special Investment Contracts"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 133 dated 12.02.2020 "On the Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Special Investment Contracts and Invalidation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 623 dated 24.05.2017 "On the Procedure of Forming and Maintaining a List of Investment Projects, the Implementation of which Entitles Industrial Entities to Receive Financial Support in the Form of Tax and Fee Concessions in Accordance with the Legislation on Taxes and Fees"
- Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 627 dated 26.02.2020 "On Approval of the Form of an Investor's Offer to Conclude a Special Investment Contract"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 319 dated 21.03.2020 "On Approval of the Rules for the Formation and Updating of the List of Technologies Recognized as Modern in order to Conclude Special Investment Contracts"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 994-r dated 12.04.2020 "On Approval of the List of Russian Scientific Organizations, Organizations Participating in the Project to Create and Ensure the Functioning of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Organizations that are Part of the infrastructure to Support Activities in the Field of Industry, Having the Right to Make Conclusions about the Possibility of Production Based on Technologies Recognized as Modern aimed at Conclusion of Special Investment Contracts, Industrial Products that are Competitive in the Global Market"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1048 dated 16.07.2020 "On Approval of the Rules for Concluding, Amending and Terminating Special Investment Contracts"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049 dated 16.07.2020 "On Approval of the Rules for Monitoring the Fulfilment of Obligations under Special Investment Contracts by Investors and Forms of Reports on the Fulfilment of these Obligations"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1118 dated 25.07.2020 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1604 dated 21.12.2017"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated No. 3143-r 28.11.2020 "On the List of Modern Technologies for the Purposes of Concluding a SIC"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1602 dated 13.09.2022 "On the Protection and Promotion of Investments Agreements"
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1599 dated 03.10.2020 "On the Procedure for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Legal Entities (Except for State (Municipal) Institutions, State (Municipal) Enterprises) for Reimbursement of Costs for the Creation (Construction), Modernization and (or) Reconstruction of Supporting and (or) Related Infrastructures Necessary for the Implementation of an Investment Project in respect of which an Agreement on the Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments has been Concluded, as well as the Costs of Paying Interest on Loans and Borrowings, Coupon Payments on Bond Loans Attracted for above mentioned Purposes, and Determining the Amount of Reimbursement of the Costs"
- Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 825 dated 14.12.2020 "On Approval of the List of Infrastructure Facilities, the Costs of Which are Subject to Reimbursement in Accordance with the Rules for Granting Subsidies from the Federal Budget to Legal Entities (with the Exception of State (Municipal) Institutions, State (Municipal) Enterprises) for Reimbursement of the Costs of Creation (Construction), Modernization and (or) Reconstruction of the Supporting and (or) Accompanying Infrastructure Necessary for the implementation of an Investment Project, in Respect of which an Agreement on the Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments has been concluded, as well as the Costs of Paying Interest on Loans, Coupon Payments on Bond Loans Attracted for these Purposes, and Determining the Amount of Reimbursement of the Costs, Approved by a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1599 dated 03.10.2020, and the Values of the Free Capacity of such Infrastructure Facilities"
Legislation of Saint-Petersburg
- The Strategy of Social and Economic Development of Saint Petersburg until 2035, approved by the Law of Saint Petersburg No. 771-164 dated 19.12.2018 (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 19.12.2018)
- Saint Petersburg Law No. 185-36 dated 30.07.1998 "On State Support of Investment Activity in the Territory of Saint Petersburg" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 08.07.1998)
- Saint Petersburg Law No. 282-43 dated 17.06.2004 "On the Procedure for Provision of Real Estate Owned by Saint Petersburg for Construction and Reconstruction" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 26.05.2004)
- Saint Petersburg Law No. 742-136 dated 03.12.2008 "On Strategic Investment Projects, Strategic Investors and Strategic Partners of Saint Petersburg" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 19.11.2008)
- Law of Saint Petersburg No. 639-145 dated 24.12.2020 "On the Delimitation of Powers of State Authorities of Saint Petersburg in the Field of Protection and Promotion of Capital Investments in the Territory of Saint Petersburg" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 23.12.2020)
- Law of Saint Petersburg No. 461-105 dated 18.10.2019 "On the Procedure for the Provision of Land Plots Owned by the State of Saint Petersburg in the Execution of Concession Agreements, Public-Private Partnership Agreements and Amendments to Certain Laws of Saint Petersburg"
- The Law of Saint Petersburg No. 521-118 dated 08.11.2019 "On the Procedure and Conditions for the Placement of Objects on the Territory of Saint Petersburg, the Placement of which can be Carried out on Land or Land Plots Owned by the State of Saint Petersburg or State Ownership of which is not Distinguished, without the Provision of Land Plots and the Establishment of Easements, Public Easement"
- Saint Petersburg Law No. 81-11 dated 14.07.1995 "On Tax Benefits"
- Law of Saint Petersburg No. 684-96 dated 26.11.2003 "On the Property Tax of Organizations" (adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg on 26.11.2003)
- The Law of Saint Petersburg No. 617-105 dated 23.11.2012 "On Land Tax in Saint Petersburg"
- The Law of Saint Petersburg No. 487-53 dated 04.11.2002 "On Transport Tax"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 1042 dated September 27.09.2012 "On the Investment Committee of Saint Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint. Petersburg No. 656 dated 21.07.2015 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Interaction Procedure of Executive Branch of Government of Saint Petersburg on the Preparation and Adoption of Decisions on the Provision of Real Estate owned by Saint Petersburg for Construction, Reconstruction and Work on Adaptation for Modern Use"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 853 dated 09.10.2017 "On Establishing the Procedure for Assigning the Status of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint Petersburg to an Investment Project, the Status of a Strategic Investor of Saint Petersburg to an Investor and the Status of a Strategic Partner of Saint Petersburg to an Organization"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 416 dated 22.05.2018 "On the Procedure for Monitoring the Performance of the Agreement on the Implementation of the Strategic Investment Project of Saint Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint ‑Petersburg No. 417 dated 22.05.2018 "On the Procedure for Determining the Amount of Savings generated by a Strategic Investor of Saint ‑Petersburg in connection with the Implementation of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg in case that the Government of Saint ‑Petersburg Decides to Terminate the Status of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg, the Status of a Strategic Investor of Saint ‑Petersburg and the Termination of the Agreement on the Implementation of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint ‑Petersburg No. 554 dated 13.07.2018 "On Establishing the Procedure for Extending the Validity of the Status of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg and the Procedure for Terminating the Status of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg, the Status of a Strategic Investor of Saint ‑Petersburg and the Termination of the Agreement on the implementation of a Strategic Investment Project of Saint ‑Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 267 dated 11.05.2021 "On Measures to Implement the Law of Saint Petersburg "On Regional Investment Projects Implemented on the Territory of Saint Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 830 dated 08.09.2022 "On Measures to Implement Abstract 5 of Paragraph 6, Article 8 of the Law of Saint Petersburg "On the Procedure for Providing Real Estate Owned by Saint Petersburg for Construction, Reconstruction and Adaptation for Modern Use"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 1112 dated 11.12.2015 "On Consideration of Proposals for the Conclusion of Concession Agreements"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 346 dated 31.03.2009 "On Measures for the Development of Public-Private Partnerships in Saint Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 1241 dated 06.11.2009 "On the Interdepartmental Commission for the Selection of Project Concepts for their Implementation through the Participation of Saint Petersburg in Public-Private Partnerships under the Government of Saint Petersburg"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint ‑Petersburg No. 279 dated 31.03.2022 "On the Procedure for Granting Subsidies to the Non-Profit Unitary Organization "Industrial Development Fund of Saint ‑Petersburg" in the Form of a Property Contribution for the Implementation of Statutory Activities in 2022"
- Resolution of the Government of Saint Petersburg No. 566 dated 27.06.2022 "On Extension of the Terms of Advance Payments on Taxes"
- Order of the Governor of Saint Petersburg No. 12-rg dated 21.07.2015 "On the Provision of Land Plots to Legal Entities for the Placement of Objects of Socio-Cultural and Communal Purposes, the Implementation of Large-Scale Investment Projects"