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Information on changes in the tariffs of the WHSD toll highway

As reported by the Northern Capital Highway, LLC, new tariffs for travel on the Western High-Speed Diameter motorway begin to operate from December 1, 2020.

The changes affect tariffs for all classes of vehicles and when zonal tariffication (by zones for cash payment), and within the Flow+ toll system (by routes for transponder users).

At the same time, the changes will affect to a lesser extent the regular highway users, which use transponders – the increase will average about 10% (for example, for the first class vehicles – from 1.7% to 11.8% depending on the route).

These changes make it even more advantageous to use a transponder, which can be purchased at any WHSD toll collection point. This will ensure a high speed of electronic payments and the capacity of payment points in the conditions of the most popular toll road of the country.

With cash payment, the tariff will be 200 RUB for one tariff zone for the first and second classes of vehicles, 350 RUB for the third class and 400 RUB for transport of the fourth class.

For detailed information on the new tariffs visit the official website of the Northern Capital Highway, LLC.