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St. Petersburg tax payments terms data, provided by Federal Tax Service

The deadline for paying property tax for individuals, transport and land taxes for 2018 is December 2, 2019.

You may pay taxes via the taxpayer’s personal account and «Pay taxes», as well as in bank departments or via banks’ online services, which have signed an agreement with the Federal Tax Service.

You must check the Taxpayer’s personal account on, if you failed to get a tax notice. Notifications are sent to the service users in electronic form only.

Besides you may contact any St. Petersburg tax office to either get or restore the access details. Be sure to contact the post office or the tax office at your place of residence, if it’s impossible to use the service.

St. Petersburg Federal Tax Service Office recalls that untimely taxes payment entails the interest accrual and may become the reason for the travel restriction outside the Russian Federation.