Saint Petersburg coat of arms
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St. Petersburg, 8th Sovetskaya street, section 1 (opposite building 58, letter A on 8th Sovetskaya street)

Information on the land plot

Land-use and real estate recommendations

ТЗЖ2 - residential zone of medium-rise and multi-storey apartment buildings located outside the territory of historically developed districts of the Central part of Saint Petersburg, with the inclusion of socio-cultural and communal facilities associated with the residence of citizens, as well as engineering infrastructure.
Nearest underground
Ploschad' Aleksandra Nevskogo 1, 2
1005 м²
Functional significance
гостиничное обслуживание
Functional area of the general layout
St. Petersburg, 8th Sovetskaya street, section 1 (opposite building 58, letter A on 8th Sovetskaya street)
Sphere of activity
Accommodation infrastructure